Friday, March 19, 2010

The best hand Ive ever held was my own.

My sister asked me today what I want out of life....

I had no answer for a while. I sat there, gasping for an answer. One that would mean something. A statement so pure it would make your heart weep.. It never came.

What I want? I want you. I want me. I want ice-cream and silly knock-knock jokes. I want sunlight and red umbrellas. I want to havea lobster burn, freezer burn, brain freeze. I want the L word to mean something for once. I want to laugh out of life and cry into life. I think Im getting what i want out of life. Ive made decisions that made me look like a bitch and made me look like a saint. I am fantastically average and Im okay with that. Although, I dream things far beyond my capabilities... but I'd rather believe in them than in myself. So here's to the Congo for still fighting. This is what I want out of life. Its the point to which all my actions are taken.

I am happiest when I help you, feed you, clothe you, laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you. This is what I want out of life.

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