I have a heavy heart this morning. The onset of finals is among all college students right now. Usually, I feel like I can handle it, but this semester feels near impossible. I have more work than hours to do it and I feel like is it sqwelching my strength to not feel shitty, for lack of better terms. So, here I go.
I can only do my best, which is a lot harder than any cute statement could make it out to be. I am being diligent in studies and manner. Yet, I feel that it isnt paying off in any aspect. I work so hard that I have no time for friends, no time for family (hardly) and no time for myself. I am actually hitting myself for taking time to type this. Although, I need a slight break so here I am. I feel lonely, but only for small amounts of time when really anyone should feel lonely. Like 6.30 a.m. at a desk. So, Im going to focus on some positive:
I really really like Pumkin Chunkin. I find it so fascinating that some people are very dedicated to chunking...well, pumpkins.
Patrick and I talked out a deal to never settle, in life, in work or home. Always moving forward, and to weed out the people in our lives that are just weighing us down.
I still have cravings for turkey and cranberry sandwhiches. I know, whats wrong with me? well, my name's Erika and I never let things go, especially food phases. Dont get me started on PB&J. Long time favorite obsession.
Thats all I have this morning.
Side note: I really do hate facebook, whenever I get on there it makes me feel bad. Obligated to say happy birthday to so called "friends" and I see people I once knew move on with things I dont particularly agree with. Tired of it.
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