I woke up this morning to my mom laughing hysterically. At first, irritated by waking up I frowned and cursed who dare broke my nightmares... after all they must be finished but then I realized who was laughing. Fully awake I laughed too out of pure spite. Mom was on the phone with this man she met while working at target pharmacy. It was a new person in her life. After all these years of turmoil and heartbreak and things I have yet to cry over... she found someone again. It just shows how resilient life is, love is, friendship is. It really impacted me this morning.
Mom left to go have lunch with him, leaving me at home with stieg larsson and a frozen pizza. Alfie, my ten pound of terror for a dog, persistently tore my kitchen apart trying to reach the counter where sausage, pepperoni, and ham blended together to give off an aroma that no living, hungry animal would pass up with out a fight.
I slept after gorging through three pieces of greasy pizza. Woke. And realized something.
Its the little things that make you who you are and make you happy. God what a simple and long over due epiphany.
Smile, because there is a glass of milk and a set of arms around you.
So, so true. One thing is for sure - everyone has thier own timeline and that - can never be rushed.